Bayern Munich vs Real Madrid penalty shootout

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Bayern Munich vs Real Madrid 0:0 penalty shootout 2-4 (13.8.2010)


Manjeet Jabardasth video hi Kumar says:

super look penalty

iromadona dua9 says:

Casillas my idol

andra andrea febi says:

Casillas you legends

andra andrea febi says:

Welcome real madrid

meshak sunuwar says:

To the fucking fake real madrid fans!!
football is playing by 11 players not 1
you fuckers have to be the sincere fans you have to support your team not any players
yes ! obviously you have 1 best players, that is your choice but you can't insults to others players and team and stop to compare your fucking gaynaldo ..
if you says that he is the best but not in individual
In real madrid he has high cost players and all are well trained players so that's why real madrid won UCL for three times consequently..
but if you see in his country Portugal,
he can't done anything but yes he can give lost to his team
and with germany he can't do anything instead of lost by 4-0 😛
and i think now you fucking fans to seattle down to juvents just beacause of your Gaylando..

#supprot_GermanY_football 😀

Maruati Tlau says:

Cassilas is the best goalkeeper ever. ..

yohanes leonardus says:

iker the legend" hala madrid!"

Muhammed Sahal says:

casillas bst keeper in wld

haidar alim mahdavikia davin says:

Muller no gool

Prashanth kumar says:


David molina says:

Casillas is that best

Sharis Muhamar says:

Legend Iker Casillas

isaac el chaus uribe Velez says:

Hear broquen the baller munich

Mohamed Benlancuadem says:

Like si lo as visto en el 2018

Fuad Ghazi says:

super iker!

Radar Mc says:

casilas yg terbaik

Syahrial Senju says:

casillas lagend

eusebiu jiurjiu says:

Iker Casillas, cu adevărat o legendă care a marcat istoria fotbalului mondial( Iker Casillas , a true legend who changed the history of football) Felicitări ( Congratulations)

rajarshi dey says:

which tournament is this ??

tinh nguyen says:

toi thich ikero

tinh nguyen says:

rat hay co Ikero

Joel Alvarado says:


zaydee azrin mohamad anuar says:

Casillas legend

Myasir Ly says:

Yasir jr best goal keeper in the world

Eduardo Gatica says:

Keilor navas es el mejor

Jayden Baptiste says:

the can stop yuh bro

Boua Sangare says:

hala Madrid

Rayhana Oukhay says:

Aaaah Casillas I love him so mutch #Legend ??

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