AC Milan vs Liverpool 3-3 UCL Final 2005 – Full Highlights HD

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Sorry for the audio, youtube copyright had given me and I had to remove the music. AC Milan vs Liverpool 3-3 – UCL Final 2005


Frontier 4ever says:

the best ucl final ever

Matthias Salchner says:

bro do you have still have the "original" video – the one with sound – can you please send it over?

akupencintasunnah says:

Thorbaek baq ang

Darksky1001able says:

what happened to the audio?

Rebekah Chalmers says:

stupid edit

zxn6869 says:

what was the name of the music ?

Alex Freeman. says:

Sorry for the audio, youtube copyright had given me and I had to remove the music.

Iam Matrix says:

that was the best match in footbal historyever or the biggest cheat in the universe

The Avenger says:

Would bring tears to your eyes. Up Liverpool our day will come with the premier league too. It will happen.

Barto Lomius says:

merinding lihatx,gk bosan2 nonton,i love liverpool

Youssef Mokhtar says:

Missing the old liverpool "Man Utd Fan"

Marco Gerardo Toro Espinoza says:

Liverpool ❤️
CSEmelec ?

elan jagannath says:

the song at 3:43 ??

EL duce says:

it's fucking unfair full liverpool fans and we are big than you whether you like it or not ??

Carlos Arana says:

I started tearing. Awesome video.

rotts gaming says:

ynwa ,im liverpool fan from indonesia

Mohamed Amiin says:

U can be a legend like winning easy bt wining like this is somethng even Messi can't do it. Jamie caragher and Steve G will live legends for ever

Ryan Gilmour says:

Im a Scotsman and I'm not even a Liverpool fan. However, when one day I have a son and he asks me about memorable games from when I was a boy, this will be the first I show him and I bet it brings tears to his eyes as well.

Marcio Rodrigues says:

Im Portuguese, FC Porto fan but this made me cry.

Sally Mummy says:

what is the name of 1st and 2nd song?

Ministry Of New Jack Swing says:

The greatest game ever! Game of the century. #YNWA

Ole Duna says:

Steven Gerrard…made us believe!

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