AC MILAN Potential Line-up with New Players Next Season 2017/2018

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AC MILAN Potential Line-up with New Players Next Season 2017/2018


Andrés Perez says:

Seriously excited to see AC MILAN GETTING BACK TO FORM!!

Janner Sihombing says:

Milan Formation 4:2:3:1 2018/2019


Varane Romagnoli
Conti Rodriges

Kessie Bona

Suso Calhanoglu Depay


Лук Кул says:

Mostafa Ebrahimi says:

fuck to this team i hope to see some real star in milan like the past

Ikhsan Muharam says:

Buy cristian eriksen or pastore

fehnix HDid says:

kessie e biglia estão invertidos mas eu imagino essa mesma formação só que não sei mt sobre o andre silva já que o cutrone esta tendo um ótimo inicio de temporada.

giacomo impedovo says:

Kessiè regista???? bonaventura a sinistra e biglia a destra????????? suso a destra e cahlanoglu a sinistra????? Ma almeno lo conosci il calcio?


donaroma is 18 yers old?????

ac milan fans says:

romagnoli .

ArisGaming says:

Kessie 38 mln

THE ROMA says:


yasrul huda says:

Alessio Romagnoli ? ? Musacchio ?

Calhanoglu ? Suso ?

Christian Rinciari says:

Suso on the left ??????!!!!!!!!!???

Sebastiano Mezzolani says:

Bel video ma Romagnoli

Le Hys says:

it is a better formation than year ago, but if milan wants to be BIG again then it has to be like this:
Musachio Bonucci Romagnolli
Conti Kessie Biglia Bonaventura rodriguez
Auba Beloti
Subs: kessie with suso and bonaventura with hakan. i think milan needs to make another top signing in midfield like renato sanchez and a top striker like belotti or auba. So at 2018 both can play together.

abdirizaaq mohamed says:

forza AC.milan ☝

Francesco Grande says:

Suso al posto di Hakan e Kessie al posto di Biglia

steven bebenz says:

Romagnoli where

Lone Wolf says:

Wheres Romagnoli?

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