Gianluigi Donnarumma ● Wonderkid Goalkeeper ( Best Saves )● AC Milan ► 2016

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Gianluigi Donnarumma The Next Buffon
Gianluigi Donnarumma New Legend
Gianluigi Donnarumma incredible Best saves AC Milan 2016
Gianluigi Donnarumma Wonderkid Goalkeeper AC Milan 2016


♫ Music : Yoe Mase – Nothing More (DEAF KEV Remix)

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Eirik Nålsund says:

where are the saves?

Adri Ucal says:

…Milan dont need u traitor…

chandra shekher mishra says:

such a shitty video

Fanta Lo says:

Donnarumma is the best goalkeeper of the world

Enrique Chacon says:

these are just a bunch of goal kicks. horrible video

Michael Antonucci says:

This kid is only 17 what a legend

Omar Rougui says:

donarumma sei fortissimo Lollipop Lollipop

u2u3ueuebsbw o77uwi2i says:

donnarumma is the best

Manuel Luna says:

No puedo creer que esta mierda de video, tenga más de 500.000 reproducciones.

Nick Perna says:

the best goailkeeper in soccer

Mojo Jojo says:

Amazing player, cancer video.


de que pais ele é ??

Tommaso Nannicini says:

sara` uno dei piu grandi portieri del mondo… will be one of the more great golkeeper of the world

Bing Bong says:

he's old same like me

Спас Гергински says:

This guy is 4 years above me…

Dia Eddine says:

hello in madrid hhhh
تدو شعر

kristiyawan radit says:

dude he play almost 90% of milan's game in 2015-2016. u just made 1 match video

Francesco Giornetta says:

donnarumma vai cosi

niraj kc says:

these days every fbol clips has some nonsense music. why cant u upload with just proper commentary. irritating music

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