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Will brazil fc till i die says:

chelsea fans looking at this video like hahahaaaaaa

Alex payne says:

And now he is on his way to Chelsea lmao.

Ben Fleming says:

I would love to watch you play FIFA 17 only if you use the new Transfers for each team. PS if you do not know how to do the transfers just reply to this comment and I'll explain.

MOTORE007 says:

yes to FIFA 17… MILAN vs JUVE

Виктор Мальчев says:

НАХ Мората

Ehab A.Ali says:

you know what's sad? the fact that Milan has signed Borini and everyone keeps forgetting about him ?, he was good in Roma but he needs to believe in himself and fight for a spot in the team

Sirciavo says:

I cannot wait for the start of the new season

El Mehdi MOUAFFAQ says:

I was so excited & curious to see what would the new owners of Milan are capable of , now I am just curious as I am a Juventus fan ! but what are Milan doing this mercato is very flattering which will bring more attention to Serie A as Del Piero said Milan need to comeback , along with Juve would present Serie A the best !

JON Caushaj says:

yes pls play fifa #MikeTheMilanFan .

Milad Sar says:

I have university exams in this week, I'm afraid to close my laptop and miss one of Milan transfers, like what happened with Bonucci.
Please guys give me a shoutout in the name of old milan.

Achinivu Godwin says:

please michael… i want the cap and the new jersey

Electrical Drift says:

for the new season u could try FIFA predicts match result's

prekursur says:

Fassone and Mirabelli are working on several fronts and are keeping their options open. No player is confirmed yet. Le nomi piu calde sono: Belotti, Morata, Sanchez, Aubameyang, and possibly Benzema. One, or possibly two players will join Milan. Fassone and Mirabelli will resume their work after the China Tour. Bonucci will have a key role in convincing either Belotti or Morata to join him in this new adventure.

Mart Boot games says:

why will they give 70 mil to morata if they could give it to belotti belotti is better

Meron Samuel says:

I want to ser you guys playing
juve vs milan

James RFC says:

Nice to see milan signing big names again ❤?⚫

Luca Pipolo says:

Yes play fifa!! Michael needs to play with Milan. #MichaelTheMilanFan. And Marco, you need to play with Juve!

I.M.P MC/BeatMaker says:

Where you guys live? Brooklyn..

mahip mahanta says:

Milan fucking don't deserve a player like Morata.Chelsea,my team are "obviously" the right change for him,they got Bonnuci,by pure luck,tho juventus are performing 50 times better. Chelsea are a much better team than Milan (currently) and can provide better and higher quality exposure to Morata anyday.and conte was the first guy to have enough in faith in morata for regular main team football.hope Alvaro becomes a Chelsea star soon.

Adrian Irsan says:

if its 70-80M, i think leave him behind and sign a deal for Belotti. Belotti far way better than Morata.

samunlee says:

Confirmed #MichaeltheMilanFan

Switch. says:

the hat is so so so so very sexy

roger surez says:

why morata?? belotti please!

C Power says:

Mike the milan fan

jamie Muscat says:

play FIFA!!

ashutosh john says:

Most probably in future i think juve will sign morata after higuain shows his age

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