*FREESTYLE* Official Presentation of Ronaldinho @ Ac Milan!!

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*FREESTYLE* Official Presentation of Ronaldinho @ Ac Milan San Siro!!


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  • Categories: ac milan


Rodrigo Costa says:

O Cara Levou mais de 40 mil no san siro só pra velo em um dia de semana a Noite ..monstro ..esse deu Prazer de ver jogar melhor jogador tecnicamente e mas espetácular dos anos 2000 ate 2018 …não teve igual nesse periodo nem messi nem Cristiano nem Fenômeno menos ainda Neymar ..não da para eles não ..

Veronica Arandiba says:

as duas desgraças que aparecer mais que o bruxo

A verdade na sua cara. says:

Era pra ser a apresentação do Ronaldinho não desses caras aí ué eles tomaram o tempo quase todo..


Era apresentação do ronaldinho ou dos outros 2 cara la ?????

Dinho JR says:

Ronaldinho is a player and the BEST PLAYER these are freestylers, if Football was about freestyles, afrikans would have been the Barcelona today


Those two guys came to advertise themselves at Ronaldinho's presentation


This is Ronaldinho's presentation not those two freestyles. Wtf

Alexandre Santos says:

you guys should gringos cry a lot because they are bad football …. here in Brazil Argentine born everyday talents in football …. gringos untalented!!

Alexandre Santos says:

learn to write their rough

Ljubisa Glisevic says:

No you idiot!

iceyjf127 says:

at that time that was Milans away jersey. check out fifa 09 and you will see

cristiano messi says:

WTF are they wearing RM jersey's?

hweenmask says:

these two freestyler are so gay they showing off like they better than ronnie..

black god says:

He let the 2 boys have their time in the lime light… He doesn't need to. A real legend/sportsmen. Greatest ever.

Steele Smith says:

everybody knows Ronaldinho could own those guys but he was just chillen there

DaMilleniumGuru says:

I agree streetfootballers just because they can dribble and juggle means nothing most of them can barely shoot….they are freestylers for a reason 😉

Emiliano Munoz says:

@freestylemattrick me too man,4 hours a day too,i have only been doing it for 1 year

cody gunderson says:

@Wakipenda Because just because they have the ability to control the ball like that doesn't necessarily mean they have the field vision, endurance, speed, shot or feed a clean pass, it just means they can juggle the ball.

Tuber Youb says:

now u see ronaldinho is shit if u cee touzani streetwize i mean

Wakipenda says:

why arent there freestylers in big teams?? just wondering…not a criticism or a comparison…just wondering…im sure many freestylers have better ball control than Ronaldinho, Messi etc…i know football is a lot more than juggling a ball but freestylers already master the most difficult…

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