Beckham Loves United

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An emotional night for David Beckhams return to Old Trafford with AC Milan, with the crowd greeting their old hero with a standing ovation. The anti-Glazer campaign rose to new levels on the night and Beckham responded to this by walking off the pitch wearing the green and gold of the LUHG campaign. All was seen and filmed by a United fan in the north stand.

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DisobeyToday says:

Been a long time since Old Tafford sounded like this

Nigel John says:

Ahh the old days when there was no plastics?(asian)

Sacha Cohen-Chowdhury says:

Becks loves United – all day long!

Hengky Dermanto says:

People nowadays may see him as a celebrity or whatever. But me as a United fan will always see him as one of the greatest Number 7 that United had. There’s only one David Beckham !!!

United fans always know how to honor their past heroes and legends, this is what makes United so different from other clubs

MUFCandy99 says:

7 years ago fucking hell… unreal night being right at the front of the Stratford end when he picked that scarf up was something else

Manchester United Fun says:

well never die

Manchester United Fun says:

Once red, always red

j2kjellyify says:

I was there for that game was a good game Beckham nearly scored aswell was a cracking game

Neutral Observer. says:

Not one of our greatest ever players but definitely one of our greatest servants. A brilliant ambassador for football and a great role model for children. Thanks Becks for all your efforts for United and England. LUHG.

scottyrocks9 says:

MANU beat AC Milan 7-2. Beckham was useless. That's the truth.

fiendlord99 says:

yeah, about that :/

Anders Ericsson says:

Not gonna happend… So sad he didnt end his Carrer in United! 🙁

Hùng Trần says:

love Beckham

TexansToast says:

I kill to be in that atmosphere

lukealandrummond says:

Back in the day when Old Trafford had the best atmosphere you could get

LilSuperJay says:

I'm so glad I had the privilege of seeing David Beckham play at Gary Neville's Testimonial..People say yes he is just a human being,but they won't understand what he means to Manchester United.He is a super human being.Such a humble guy.It would have been great to be at OT at this match.I'm sure his testimonial will be at OT,one i would queue all night for tickets.THERES ONLY ONE DAVID BECKHAM!

LeoT7 says:

its the Sir Alex Ferguson stand now

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