All 26 penalties from Manchester United’s unbelievable shootout win over AC Milan | ESPN FC

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Watch all 26 penalties from Manchester United’s unbelievable 9-8 shootout victory over AC Milan in the International Champions Cup, featuring converted penalty kicks by Alexis Sanchez, Ander Herrera and more.

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GoCanes2001 says:

Sebastian Salazar is the fucking worst announcer in history. Jesus Christ, that little fuck is obnoxious.

Dayquan Mac says:

I dont think anybody here knows anything bout soccer

Gautier Pescado says:

Don’t wanna brag or anything but I took part of a 42 penalty shootout. We won 19-18 as each team took 21 pens and they missed 3 and we missed 2. Lol

абвгдђежзијклљмнњопрстћуфхцчџш says:

This commentator tries way too hard to pronounce the players names

Finn L says:

Damn Pepe reina

Killian Doherty says:

I hate when white commentary try to put an accent on Spanish players smh

MarcusPlier11 says:

This commentator is so cringey… -_-

Gkep Shotz says:

Perrira stepped off of his line

Jared L says:

I would’ve left the stadium already.

Adrian Lopez says:

You’re not Pirlo Frank

Bilal Ali says:

0:20 keeper was way off his line

Oscar Pineda says:

Que pendejo x'D

Link On says:

The second pk for ac Milan… the man utd goalie took like 8 steps forward lol

Yes boi's says:

TRASH TEAMS. What do u expect. Only good players were the goalies Lol

Andrew Scott says:

Perreira came off his line early for every single pk, and some of them weren't even close, he'd be 2 yards off the line before the Milan player had even kicked it

OilMan 713 says:

So why is the final tally 9-8 ???

anthony mazy says:

Worst penalties ever

Marcus De Villiers says:

Legend says the penalties are still taking place right now.

Marcus De Villiers says:

Lol didn't United had a shit fest penalty against some team last season? I forgot against who. Pretty much the worst penalties of all time.

Doug Dimmadome says:

I was waiting for the teams to let some fans take a crack at it

Dan Ade says:

I thought this was never going to end

Brandon Collins says:

What is this commentator pronouncing all the names as if they're in spanish. Trying to hype another boring friendly

Issachar says:

This stupid ass commentator needs to stick to one language, he sounds dumb

eddic915 says:

Want to start making money check out link

Matthew 2700 says:

That was boring af

Super says:

Wow. ESPN FC actually has FOOTAGE and not just CLICKBAIT commentary? Lol

Ashwin K . M says:

Emery: Arsenal won 8-0 and 9-0 in our friendly games.
Silva: That's mediocre. Everton won 22-0 in ours.
Mourinho: Hold my beer. We won a penalty shootout that lasted 2 days after a successful 1-1 draw.

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