PES 12 PC Gameplay Man UTD vs AC Milan HD PART 1 (DEMO)

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A full PC PES 12 DEMO match between Manchester United and AC Milan. This is a video for you to create some first impressions for the upcoming game, some ideas about it. Feel free to leave a comment telling me your opinions about the game.
20-45 fps with Fraps
60 fps without Fraps

You can download the DEMO here :

Also, feel free to like this video, it would be a great pleasure for me seeing my work appreciated! If you want to SUBSCRIBE you’re welcome !
For the full experience check out PART 2!


Nur Shahidah Masud says:

I think pes is better than FIFA

Doulla B says:

Can u play it using the key board ?

JirayaSmiles says:


cameron balmer says:

You guys know you nedd a graphics card to play this yeh?

Ante Šipak Šipić says:


Stefan Cirkovic says:

My configurations are: 2gb of ram ..1.54 ghz..512m memory card …! why do brakes when I play game? whether we are a small configuration ? plsssss tell meeeeeee!

ShadyEminemMarshall says:

notbad…im not sure which is better between this and fifa though. any suggestions ?

JustMinh says:

I think Fifa is better there more details just saying

Matt Aitchison says:

FIFA has much smoother gameplay, PES looks like the same smoothness and gameplay as FIFA 5 years ago…no celebrations, naff menus and selection screens, pretty much idenitcal graphics, less realistic and more loading.

Matt Aitchison says:

FIFA 12 vs PES 12

Rajat Singh says:

i also have this game ps2

Rajat Singh says:

are you making fool all the selection starting is pes but after it is fifa 12

florianfan2008 says:

how can u dribble in a pc game? were u using joystick/gamepad?

allanxbarahona says:

who plays this

Michel Santegoets says:

Pess looks realistic but fifa is a lot of more fun. So my choice is realy fifa 12.
This game sucks and is bored i swear fifa is a lot nicer.
Bye bye

Zafar Khan says:

In PES 12 the control is hard.Just like real.But however i like fifa 12

Art Yilmaz says:

gameplay looks better than Fifa but no commentary so ehh
and the players look like their dead lol

Dantey951 says:

taa maso pero lucha por el puesto

Gam3Junkie says:

Im embarrassed to say ive never played a PES-game before.
How is this compared to Fifa?

Wietse van Veen says:

I play fifa and I must admit this looks good, but there is no commentary and ibra looks like a zombie

dejan boskovic says:

@gabi1198m Pes 10 is the worst pes 🙁 2009,11 and 12 alot better i would recommand u to download or buy 🙂

LouisFishWisher says:

4:30……….I used to score goals like that, then i took an arrow to the knee.

TheUmpa94 says:

kurwa zajebista gra!

Clare Ashfield says:

PES 12 is cool and always better then fifa

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