AC Milan fans singing you’ll never walk alone in tribute of Liverpool fans

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AC Milan fans singing you’ll never walk alone in tribute of Liverpool fans who lost their lives at Hillsborough


Davrod Watto says:

Was only told about this today by my friend.
He's a AC fan. Travels from England to watch them all around Europe… sometimes on his own.
Great show.

Harry Flashman says:

Thank you, YNWA

lucadecyclope says:

Tris is the best YNWA ever

lamp man says:


ishant kumar says:

I love ac Milan

Jay Bong says:

Grazie AC Milan. Abbiamo sempre conosciuto la tua dignità.

FortniteOllie says:

Thank you Milan 🙂
From Liverpool ❤

Turpal Dzhamalov says:

Grazie AC Milan fans! Respect from an LFC fan YNWA???

De puta says:

Respect to milan

Gary Broad says:

Grazie grazie Milan !!!!! Thank you so much, God bless the Milanese !!!!!

i.e.m. says:

Milan – Liverpool = Legendary clubs, Kings of Europe

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