PES 2009 – Liverpool vs Manchester United Penalty Shootout.

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An educational video – Liverpool win 4-2 in this classic penalty shootout against Manchester United on PES 2009 for the PC version. Enjoy!

Honours (applies to 1st week/month it was uploaded):
#86 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming
#88 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – Ireland
#80 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – Israel
#98 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – Spain
#45 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – France
#38 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – Italy
#74 – Most Viewed (This Week) – Gaming – Czech Republic
#27 – Most Viewed (This Month) – Gaming


xACiiDTWiZZleR says:

ahaha i love the celebration

ThatDoono says:

@markthnark wat a stupid comment :/

Watch Me Play says:

liverpool 4 lyf!

Ffan6 says:

all asian people shoot on crossbars 😉

xboxandhalo says:

their reaction r slowwwwwwwwwwww

Kays Abu Sada says:

Man UTD Sux 😀

dominatorpulse12 says:

@markthnark ronaldo shoots high right check out the semifinal of 2008 against barca(first match) he missed ub right, FA cup tie in first match, tie in second match, penalty shootout, Keane played, the best penalty takers shoot (2 in really odd cases) 3rd or 4th. So tof course he can shoot the first one. Talk when you know what you are talking about. However you should put a vid of a more intense shootout

dominatorpulse12 says:

@markthnark ronaldo shoots high right check out the semifinal of 2008 against barca(first match) he missed ub right, FA cup tie in first match, tie in second match, penalty shootout, Keane played, the best penalty takers shoot (2 in really odd cases) 3rd or 4th. So tof course he can shoot the first one. Talk when you know what you are talking about. However you should put a vid of a more intense shootout

Sullivan Hausburg says:


Harry McMahon says:

why r u guys hangin it on him so he made a little mistake but so do u!!!

dookie2471991 says:

ronaldo typical 😀

Mircx3 says:

@jordanfordublin this is pes 2009 u dumbass btw in fifa09 c.ronaldo is in man u

BangMtutd says:


invincibleajay says:

Check when this video was made, duh. All these players were at their respective clubs then.

RifleFish says:

You use a FIFA 09 song in an PES Video… :O

Li Junxian says:



rooney looks fat in this.oh yeah he is fat and an ogre

athanasios vairaktaris says:


zentarim2 says:

woooow Robbie Keane scored a penalty!

gazaot says:

england v portugal? man u v barca semi 2008?

u do realise this a computer game?

jakeholio17surr says:

i bet a liverpool fan somewhere in th world celebrated watchin this lol

KaeM2802 says:

Babel next year in GALATASARAY 😉

invincibleajay says:

Good job this is only a game then 🙂

invincibleajay says:

Nope, PC version.

Luis Carlos says:

why would Gerrard ever go to La Liga (Spanish League) ? His heart belongs with LFC and in the Premier League witch btw is WAY better than La Liga and just so you know CHELSEA wanted to buy Gerrard they made arround 4 offers and he refected them all. He will NEVER leave the Premier League nor Liverpool, Ronaldo is a disgrace Gerrard is a legend and the more complete player. Hes played stricker,midfielder, and even defense Ronaldo can only play as a diving forward. Bottom line ? Gerrard = LEGEND

tomtefar06 says:

Looks like Gerrard and Carragher are making out at 1.57

dookie2471991 says:

c ronaldo typical even the computer knows he misses every 11m xD

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