Jack Bonaventura – all goals for Milan 2014-2017

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Jack Bonaventura – Leader of Milan, Great player, most underrated footballer in football world 😉
all Official Goals for Milan after joining squad (2014-2017).
Track 1 – Wrath of Sea – Two Steps From Hell (Instrumental Core Remix)
Track 2 –


Jarvis Van Gramberg says:

Captain after Bonucci??

Marco Barbieri says:

Grande jack, non lasciarci nemmeno in questo momento di sconforto per noi…la società, i piazzamenti non previsti spero che come sempre tu rimanga con noi e che continui a lottare per i nostri colori… la fascia dovresti avercela tu al braccio…

Go Cha says:

Best milan player on the banter era

Ivan Taioli says:

Un enorme Jack di cuori

Teansay G4M3 says:

track 2?????

giovirdis says:

forza milan

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