Arsenal fans adapt Milan chant to “OOOOSPINA”

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Not the greatest chant, but a much better atmosphere tonight. Vlog coming tomorrow.




André Silva says:

Arsenal Merda???

Andrea Mellarè says:

Forza Milan! Come On You Gunners!

[Not GD] DavoBoss says:

Shitty fans…

Marco D'Angiolillo says:

Gay supporters
Fuck Arsenal

BARBOUR 73 milan says:

che mongoloidi ospina fuk england fans rabbitttttt

Muhammad Adlan says:

Typical epl boring fans

Serban Baciu says:

Poor english fans, they cant sing a song made by them, so sad whatching premier League matches and see the stadium as a graveyard

Serie a best league in the world says:

Arsenal sucks eternal loser, Milan fans best in the world

Jefta Yatmudi says:

Fuck arsenal fans

KEVIN 02 says:

Ridicoli hahahahaha

Andrea Bollazzafan says:

ridicoli come il vostro welbeck(o come cazzo si scrive)

Ces Bma says:

Ooooooooh ac Milan!!!!! Forza sempre MILAN

Atef says:

English supporters sing like in chorals comparing to other european countries,south america or north africa…

NICO 79 says:

oooohhh ridicolus supporter arsenallllllllll…….

bernardo fazzino says:

Supporters of shit arsenal ridicolous

Hasta Brata says:

Ultras is the best…

Luca luca says:

una birra alla spina!!!……………..a draft beer !!!

derossinho says:

Poor english fans…

mayar_alchaiah says:

Lame ass English fans

Alonso C Fonck says:

yo escucho mas a la hinchada del equipo de mis amores…. AC MILAN

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