AC Milan vs. FC Barcelona (23.11.2011) | Promo | [HD720p]

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The Official Uefa Champions League – Promo to FC BARCELONA VS AC MILAN


Vi Gi says:


ZomBiie ZoO says:

i love barrcelona

AsianAwesome69 says:

as a gooner, it pains me that I say this…

MrMeqe says:

The best teams for me

AddictionToGaming says:

@skaterbioy You're overreacting…

Jonathan Abi-Harb says:

@skaterbioy Whether the commentators say it or not, only the blind of the world will say that Robinho deserved a penalty, because Mascherano's tackle was millimeter-perfect, better than any tackle anyone on Milan has made. I'm sorry if the Milan glory days are over, but don't dare even TRY to compare today's Milan to today's Barca, they're fucking EVERYONE up.

m7md sal says:


ginosupernova says:

@minchiuddu Bayern Monaco?? what that?

Jonathan Abi-Harb says:

@skaterbioy /watch?v=_3ANPlOv0hI WATCH AND WEEP, it was clean you blind fucker

Scudeyyy says:

@RMadridMilan LOOL Why dont you support madrid, you were named for it! lol anyways, you're just like liverpool fans, talking about your past. Think about now. And all we can say is that two good teams will go against each other. So pipe down

Tam Pham says:

@Scudeyyy My name is Ricardo Martinez Madrid, I'm from Paraguay and I live in Italy, stupid dumb fuck lol. We have won 8 Champions League, how many has Arsenal?

Scudeyyy says:

@RMadridMilan We got beaten by United AWAY from home. With 8 first team players missing from the game due to injury or suspension. We also hadnt got the 5 signings we now do. You clearly know nothing. And you also dont know that 5th place in the premier league is the equivalent of 1st in serie a due to the standard of teams in italy. Udinese are 2 points behind you yet we beat them with a really weak squad home and away? And you arent a proper AC Milan fan. Why do you have rmadrid in your name:/

Scudeyyy says:

@RMadridMilan We've have the second most different goal scorers in the league so you can say goodbye to your "one man team" taunts. Ibrahimovic had 2 chances 1 on 1 with the keeper. If you look closely its all about the passes from his team to get him clear. And you're midfield is average at best. And as I said, Wilshere is better than Fabregas was 3 years ago when he raped you. And how many times have you ever beaten Arsenal? Yeh shut up.

Tam Pham says:

@Scudeyyy Oh yes so you remember Zlatan Ibrahimovic in Barcelona scored 2 goals killing Arsenal's defense straight? And playing without Fabregas? Nasri? LOL! We're in first place on Serie A, while EPL you're in 5th? How many Champions League we have won like 8? How many Arsenal LOL! Who will save Arsenal? Van Persie? 1 person can't make a different.

Tam Pham says:

@Scudeyyy Oh and how are you expecting to beat us when you got your ass own hard by United at home…lolol

Tam Pham says:

@Scudeyyy Kid, you're so retarded, I'd say you go to UEFA official site and check the stats between two teams in the previous matches. Obviously it's who determined us as winner. We have Bonera, Mexes, Silva, Taiwo, Van Bommel, Boateng, Nocerino, Seedorf, Ibra, and Robinho. Tell me how many players from Arsenal that have achieve many awards and have experiences as Milan players beside Van Persie? LMAO.Arsenal in 5th place, we're in 1st Place. Haha retarded moron.

Jonathan Abi-Harb says:

@skaterbioy A WELL-DESERVED PENALTY? Mascherano tackled him o perfectly, thtat the tackle was deemed the tackle of the match! Robinho deserved no penalty! My god, whichever team Barcelona demolishes, its supporters jump on the "Bandwagon of Supporters of All the Teams that Barcelona has Defeated making Excuses as to Why their Team Lost"

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