Champions League 2013 |FC Barcelona vs AC Milan | Promo 22/10/2013

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Champions League 2013 |FC Barcelona vs AC Milan | Champions League 2013
FC Barcelona Vs Bayern Munich | 22/10/2013 | Promo Champions 2013 Bayern Munich Vs Fc.Barcelona 22/10/2013 Promo Semifinales Champions 2013
Bayer Vs Barcelona 22/10/2013 Uefa Champions League
FC.Barcelona Vs Bayern Munich Champions Semifinals 22/10/2013 Promo
League 2013
UEFA champions league 2013 goals
FC Barcelona Vs Bayern Munich | 22/10/2013 | Promo Champions 2013 Bayern Munich Vs Fc.Barcelona 22/10/2013 Promo Semifinales Champions 2013
Bayer Vs Barcelona 01/05/2013 Uefa Champions League
FC.Barcelona Vs Bayern Munich Champions Semifinals 22/10/2013 Promo

Extra Tags:
Lionel Messi, David Villa, Kevin Prince Boateng, Alexandre Pato, Robinho, FC Barcelona vs AC Milan, AC Milan vs FC Barcelona, Camp Nou, Real Madrid vs ManchesterUnited Ronaldo Lionel Messi Ronaldinho Mesut Özil Neymar own goal fantastic skill golazo incredible amazing Golazo Fantastic FC Barcelona vs AC Milan Trailer 2013
AC.Milan vs FC.Barcelona 22/10/2013 Champions 2012/2013 1/8 De Final
Trailer AC.Milan vs FC.Barcelona 22/10/2013 group stage
Champions 2012/2013 Vuelta group stage FC.Barcelona vs AC.Milan 22/10/2013

Trailer for match AC Milan vs Barcelona Champions League – group stage 22/10/2013, CL, Stadium: San Siro, City: Milan,


Heverton Higor says:


Hashem Aljaaf says:

أف سي باير ..وبس . والباقي ..خس

Widi Kesra says:

rasain , barca dilindas remuk redam oleh bayern munich…Forza Milan…..

ishak kellou says:

bayaern vs real madrid final

Darth Vader says:

More like Four-zero Milan

glendson duarte says:

essa ea diferença de ter o melhor do mundo no seu time,messi distrói milan iniesta come a bola!!!!!!!!!!!

kelvin jones says:

Que gracioso eres.

kelvin jones says:

Forza Barcaaaaaa

ziko zhuzhua says:

barcaaaaa frommmm gruziaaaaaaaaaa.come one milannn italian spaghetiieatersssss

Fan Real says:

viva el barca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel cardenas Jaimes says:

Messi destroy Milan 😉

Gustavo Santos says:

Forca Barça- s2

julio Mejía says:

El AC MILAN pasará a cuartos yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

AcMilan Zauvek says:


Егор Мельников says:


Sam NaMiKaZe says:

Devil will come to hell! IN CAMP NOU

XxLoyal_ GamerxX says:

barcelona can not do any thing with AC MILAN the perfect team hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
but ilove realmadrid not ac milan or barcelona

Bernardo Benilson Dias says:

carrega milan … o reinado do barça termina em camp nou

rashka zuuzu says:

viva ac milan

saepul hadi says:

bravo milan ..

footbollpro says:

What's the name of the song?

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