Extended Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmyfIasEU94
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Liverpool-AC Milan 2-0 Highlights Review Fanzone Reaction – 2014 Pre-Season
Tom do you live stream on twitch?
I need people to answer this, who is actually happy with the transfers Liverpool have done, compare them to say Arsenals transfers, are Liverpool fans happy with how they have dealt with the loss of Suarez ?
Just want to give you a friendly advice on your match review videos. Would be nice if you could give this a try for the next one. Most of the people who watch this have either seen the game or the highlights, so it's kind of unnecessary to tell us the highlights. I'd rather see you discuss the tactics of the game, and maybe talk about individual player performances. Think this would increase the quality of the videos and I think it would brig more viewers to your channel.
Who's LVG? Some mid table manager?
Only AC player that looked good was Niang
So happy with Liverpool so many players looking really good like mignolet and suso
Nice vlog tom 🙂
Live reaction for the final
Man u will fuck yous up.
LVG is coming for u haha
Like the video if you enjoy these Match Review videos! 🙂
What did you think of the game? Who impressed you the most??
Extended Highlights: Highlights Liverpool 2-0 Milan