Fifa12 vs Fifa11 Game faces Barcelona AC Milan

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Song:Hoodie Allen – White Girl Problems


Peadar Films says:

Ibrahimovic looks different in my Fifa 12.

Simone Bergo says:

idiota quel "Ma puoi mettere Taiwo?" voleva dire "Ma non ti vergogni a mettere Taiwo?"

thajuicemang says:

ambrosini aged like 20 years…

Kenny Ossima says:

David villa is better in fifa 11

Kenny Ossima says:

WTF Alves in fifa look a like Monkey xDD

Saud Nugali says:

Puyol looks funny in fifa 11

Mirko Ciaramellari says:

Is the demo .-.

Abderrahim56100 says:

faces DEMO !!

mrsexyjesus69 says:

II dont see any difference.

Phil Rey says:

in fifa 12 more players have a 'real' face. not only do they look more like the real players, but they also get real textures for their faces.

Cameron Hallam says:

They Just look angrier in Fifa 12

27titanik says:


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