FIFA 2005 Ridiculous Overpowered Player Ratings! (FIFA 05 Team/Squad screenshots)

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In this video I grab some screenshots from FIFA 2005 and talk about how ridiculous the ratings were back then.

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Francesco Dominguez says:

Fifa 2004 and Fifa 2005 were the best Fifa games.

Alex Craske says:

What the fuck are you on?
First of all, you say 'that tells you everything you need to know' while showing Henry being rated 97, as if he wasn't one of the best players in the world?
Secondly, how can they possibly be overpowered if they all have high stats? That would balance them out… Use your brain.

Gabriel Martin says:

Eso era fútbol, hoy hay quizás 15 estrellas repartidas en 5 equipos (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern, City y PSG). En esos tiempos eran unas 80 estrellas, repartidas en unos 10 o más equipos. Y en todas las líneas, arqueros, defensa, medio y delantera. Era difícil decir quien tenía mejor plantel, había una paridad enorme. Hoy el fútbol es marketing, es dispar, corrupto, y solo se trata de correr sin pensar. Se perdió la pausa, el remate desde lejos, los lujos, etc.

david1612 says:

I remember doing a career mode with Arsenal on Fifa 2005, I got Henry and Walcott to 99

ASWA Visuals says:

Loool guys come on, a lot of these players were over powered. David james an 88, roy keane a 91??

Илья Сэмюель says:

There is a development of HD patch of game UEFACL0405 (+AI & gameplay mod), this game based on FIFA 2005.
Links: (official web-page) (old version), (actual version)

Silas Neves says:

I was going to say that the person who post this video was overreacting , but I see that a lot of people in the commentaries, agree with me…
Those were the times of real football and excellent players…
Every strong team had a dream team, like Real Madrid, and the football played by those players, was unique (even if they were too many good players, like AC Milan)
The only thing I think is that for the first time, the overall rating for a player should be 98/99 for Ronaldinho Gaucho, because he was the best player back then and with the abilities he had, he could become the only players to reach a 99 rating.

Din Racaj says:

were is messi

kofi gustafson says:

let me just say… Arsenal went a whole season without losing in that year, so they are going to have some players that highly rated, and Henry deserves it. He was the best at the time.

Shozil Sanchez says:

Henry deserved the 97 he was a fkn beast

Ellie Ponce says:

más ridículo ahora fifa mobile con valoraciones de 130+ ? ahí si que están locos puro dinero la verdad ? y hackeos ?

Saibal Ghosh says:

One of the best fifa games and great ratings

George Ball says:

they didn't have upgrades back then so makes sense for players too have higher ratings at the start of the game

Nostalgic memories says:

i dont see how it is overated, fifa 04 had los galacticos, prime henry, prime buffon, stats are very accurate to those legendary players.

Alex Johnson says:

fifa 04 and 05 soooooo many memories

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