Man Utd vs Arsenal: penalty shootout fifa 09

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gunnerfucker1 says:

In real life fabregas and nasri would not miss 🙂

Hector Caceres says:

@kafajaja manchester united is the best team

Wuzz leutd says:

@7stepoverking not really even though your comment was done a year ago stupid people liek you don't notice that arsenal beat man u half of the time maybe more to the pas man u have won but more recent arsenal have been beating them

Julio C. Guevara says:

@kafajaja Go go gunners!!

Emily Joslin- Gaming says:

What a goal by Wayne Rooney and Cris Ronaldo!!!

Poopie john says:

now arsenal is 2nd man utd 3rd!

7stepoverking says:

everyone says that arsenal can kill man utd and that man utd can kill arsenal, everytime those to teams meet you can know who's gonna win till the clock is at 90:00!

man fan 4ever!

17abpumas says:

Whats the name of the song?

Neil Stott says:

lmao funny thing was scholes scored the winner…………….hmmmm 2005 fa cup final arsenal vs man united anyone ????

Keepin it Jonesy says:

hope u get a ps3 or 360 coz penaltys r alot easier to save

Keepin it Jonesy says:

yh u no strangely the graphics have gotten well now

Innovater6 says:

what a penalty by ronaldo lol

Busher50 says:

middlesbrough owns

Tiwari Dev says:

yo arsenal are much better we beat u already anyways this season

dylan stringer says:

lol yes i am, u support united?

cos i was kidding they arent rubbish, but i wish they were

dylan stringer says:


why use them?

they are rubbish

arenal are much much better:)

dylan stringer says:

which team are u playing as on this though

good vid btw:)

dylan stringer says:

is this on pc or ps2?

cos this doesnt look like the way ronaldo takes penaltys on fifa 09 xbox 360/ps3

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