MotND – AC Milan v Liverpool (UEFA CL Final 2007)

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Today we take a look at predicting the UEFA Champions League Final between AC Milan and Liverpool, using UEFA Champions League™ 2006-2007, played on the PC in World Class mode, with 4 minute halves and with the added gameplay enhancement from NK Football’s World Evolution 2.


C Tummon says:

@vishaldj95 its not fifa

Sweetpatch TV says:

Thanks for such mature feedback

Sweetpatch TV says:

Pleasure mate 🙂

Sweetpatch TV says:

This is taken from the PC version of the UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 game

Sweetpatch TV says:

Thanks for sharing your opinion with us but I would definately recommend unless you have something positive to say it is probably best kept to yourself. Lots of people enjoy what we are doing here and if you dont then I am sure there of plenty of videos that do interest you and you can post positive things about. Cheers

RedBlackProject says:

forza questo e pes per pc?

Fernando Eloy Nardini González says:

Pes is the best fifa sucks…
Pes il migliore fifa fa pena

pashok1989 says:

Foraz MILAN!!

Sweetpatch TV says:

Hi mate, it uses UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 by EA Sports

polychronio says:

Ac milan won. 2-1

fcbarcelona4 says:

ac milan 2-1 liverpool

mcfordl says:

liverpool 2-1 ac milan

AlexanderHilly123 says:

Ac Milan 0-1 Liverpool

I hope im wrong however.

Sweetpatch TV says:

Post your prediction of the real score and when the real match takes place we can all see how accurate (or not) this simulation was.

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