Chelsea 2 1 AC Milan World Football Challenge Cup USA 2009

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freindly game ac milan vs chelsea ended 2 1 in favour of chelsea
eventhough milan played a good game and performed well


Sergio Chavez says:

milan facing chelsea today!
forza milan
chelsea are just overrated

lKaizen says:

Commentator annoying

OG Mony says:

if pirlo shoot that foul he could score a goal but stupid ronaldinho >.<

poiu77 says:

arabic commentary = awsome

rayuela100 says:

Champions League game

mrasolano says:

ma pirlo sul secondo goal che cazzo faceva???

Sid says:

milan needs a GK

Jon Alsanati says:


TToTToTT says:

Exactly…i wonder why milan wants to keep kalac. Given their reputation they could buy a goalkeeper much better than that bamboo pole

Shahrose Khan says:

was it a deflection off Terry?

ibrahim ashour says:

Nooooooooooooooo fuckkkk
Ronaldinho's freekick was awesome

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