AC Milan ● All Goals ● 2017/2018 | HD

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All AC Milan goals in 2017/2018 season! Milan scored 88 goals this season in all competitions.
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– Music provided by Frequency:

1st Song: Danell Arma – Oligarch

2nd Song: FAIET X RVD – Need To Escape


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Yousuf Farah says:

All there goals are set pieces, and they don't have a clear leading goalscorer, as everyone has a chance to score a goal.

Lorenzo Milan says:

Bellissimo video se avessi messo anche i risultati sarebbe stato il top
Comunque sempre e sempre forza MILANI❤

Timur Mussabekov says:

Hakan can play

منصور القحطاني says:

Milan ? for ever ♥??

A Tutto Milan says:


Jimmy Brown says:

Forza Milan

Gustavo Alviverde says:

They did just 88 goals, wow

Mirabelli Luca says:

Squadra mediocre quando il livello si alza poco poco attacco nullo e difesa terribile… 9-1 contro la juve.. 5-1 contro arsenal.. purtroppo squadre che giocano ad alto livello ne affronta poche perchè potremo renderci conto come giocano male..

Manny Shaikh says:

Good luck next season. Forza Milan!

Mariateresa Longo says:

Grandi ragazzi sempre fiera di essere milanista! Sempre e solo Forza Milan

Dwayne k27ism says:

THanks for this! FORZA MILAN! We're gonna be even stronger next season!

Khaled Bououchma says:

Great video ..Forza Milan ❤❤

muhammad amirullah says:

Forza milan?⚫?

Ted Y says:

Forza Milan

ACMF01 says:

Sempre forza Milan!

OPRpranks says:


Trap Unity says:

Commovente, pensando che il milan ha finito la stagione 6°

SamerYT says:

Great video thanks❤?FORZA MILAN

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