Gonzalo Higuain ● Welcome to AC Milan All 45 Goals 2016-2018 ● HD

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► Gonzalo Higuain ● Welcome to AC Milan All 45 Goals 2016-2018 ● HD
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Music 1 : Unknown Brain – Home (feat. Trove)
Music 2 : William Black & Matte – Take Me (feat. RUNN)
Music 3 : William Black – Hallucinate (feat. Nevve)
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DaniStudio10 HD says:

You know that i am AC Milan Fan, i m really happy! Finally we have one of the best strickers of the world i wish best for him and Milan.

Samuel Balaceanu says:

Ronaldo shouldn't take Gonzalo's place; because Gonzalo is better than him??

Simone Z. says:

Grazie Pipa ci mancherai

Giulio Saccone says:

Ma chi diamine abbiamo preso?!?

王建元 says:

I’m a Higuain’s fan,so I becomes juve’s fan,I miss Higuain.

FreeKickerz_Portland says:

45 league goals in 2 seasons????

Hemat Moustafa Gad says:

Who dislike this vid they are crazy

FNS Forever says:

Juve Merdaaaa

Khaji - says:

great video Dani!

Ibnu Amin4 says:

What a name song intro this video ?

The Immortal one says:

We are waiting for your goal scorings now HIGUAIN!!!!!

Anu says:

Lol this makes him look so much better than he actually is.

Anu says:


Giovanni Guerra says:


Hazard Forever says:

Higuain 45 Goals In 3 Years. Messi 51 Goals In 2017/18…

j valeska says:

I watch you from Egypt .. you do the best comps ever ❤

Gabby thebigreddog says:

Do Christian Eriksen

steve baggio says:

Siamo venuto di la siamo venuto di qua per vedere segnare Higua! 🙂

セル says:

Your videos are always amazing!
From Japan, I'm really looking foward to your videos!

Hyeongbeen Cheon says:

What about champions league goals?

Espinosa Paride says:

Grazie Pipita sarai sempre amato da noi juventini

BPG Football says:

Amazing video. Welcome Pipita! I like the thumbnail, but looks better with the white text.

11 maggio 2001 says:


DaniStudio10 HD says:

In the next video i decided to delete text, i see a lot of you that correct my mistakes and i appreciate that, but i m making to much mistakes maybe if i delete them is better

Abraham Muñoz Sánchez says:

27 TORINO 37 GENOA Dislike

Zanetti_PT Games says:

And Bonucci goes to Juventus?

DaniStudio10 HD says:

Excluded goals of Champions League because i didn t have good quality clips of 2016/17 check my other video of higuain.

DaniStudio10 HD says:

Tomorrow Douglas costa

Julian Popp says:

Very good video ??

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