PES 2009: AC Milan

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all AC Milan faces and stats


Murilo Brito says:

puta time do milan mano

mjhgiug hjfyt says:

best milan team me kenda chak dite phate

Waldo Milan says:

they are the best team in the game

ronniesens says:

Where is Shevschenko?????

Bruno Rago says:

Ronaldinho è impressionante

ytj92 says:

does anyone have a link to stats for all la liga teams?

zucapesco says:

bello il mio pes… ma falli gli aggiornamenti di mercato, zingaro!

RmnUltimate says:

best team in pes2009

Pablo Andres says:

and ronaldo

Chris Martin says:

Dude what is this!! Brochi,Oddo,Paloschi,Simic,Digao!!They aren't even on the team anymore. Sheva better be on it or I will be pissed. If someone will tell me what is the speed for Kaka, Ronaldinho, and Pato? Please!!

Hussain says:

fuck!!! just go and look at Man united status.

Imagen that Park ji sung is better than gattuso. Ronaldo became a beast. Roony and teves became unstoppable like inter milan players. I understand that they won the league and CL, but milan also won CL, Super EC, and the world cup in 2007!!! I mean come on at least give them credi for what they've done….. but in the end they gave certain players like kaka and I don't know who's else or maybe just kaka. but look at man united you'd say fuck.

Waldo Milan says:

dida e una merda

Jackieeboy says:

emerson ad occhi chiusi ahah non ti si po vedè

Hussain says:

Fekiramic, I agree with u man

what is wrong with them, Nesta and Gattuso should have a crazy Body Balance

I mean that last version 08 wasn't fair cuz and attacker could take down Nesta and Gattuso so easllllly What the hell!! and now they've done it again

Nesta Defence used to be 97 or 98 now its 95 and next year its gonna be 90 What the hell.

Hussain says:

Fuck Nesta should have powerful Body Balance??? Why, Now Ibra or Adrian can pass nesta without have a porblem

DoubleO88 says:

where da fuck is ronaldiho's head band he looks sick tho

adrian sajnaga says:

shevshenko play for AC Milan now man….

prince112233 says:

I can hardly see the stats its so far back great graphics by the way.

adrian sajnaga says:

ronaldinho look class in this game !!!!!

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