Kevin De Bruyne Injury Update + Zlatan Ibrahimović Back To AC Milan? ► Daily Football News

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On today’s Daily Football News, we have an injury update on Kevin De Bruyne, Wayne Rooney misses a penalty in the MLS, Fabinho is unhappy in Liverpool, Usain Bolt looks to another club and Zlatan Ibrahimović is being linked to AC Milan.

#DeBruyne #Zlatan #Rooney

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Photo credits: Getty
Music Credit: Ryan Little Music


Onefootball English says:

FRIDAY FEELS: What's your tip for the weekend?

The Deek says:

Yh United won Dickhead… Rashy all the way ?

GMS 107 says:

I meant Valladolid


What happened asshole? Manutd won against your favourite team?

Brian Leley says:

Arsenal 0-2 Liverpool firmino and Salah score

danial dee mwanza says:

Wishing KDB a speedy recovery

Shmuel M says:

whos there after bournemouth 1-0 man u

Everything With Jessie says:

#BOUMTD will be an interesting match to watch… 2-1 Bournemouth

Everything With Jessie says:

#BOUMTD will be an interesting match to watch… 2-1 Bournemouth

Everything With Jessie says:

#BOUMTD will be an interesting match to watch… 2-1 Bournemouth

Stahlz_XI says:

I agree with what u said about bolt

Blue Moon Has Risen says:

Why was KDB rushed back in the first place??? It's not like the team is in dire straits. I mean yes we will miss his incredible passing and thunderous shooting but our other midfielders and more than capable until he FULLY recovers

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