AC Milan – Champions of Italy – 2010/2011

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This is my first video ever. It is about the season 2010/2011 of AC Milan in which they won their first Scudetto title since 2003/2004. This video is dedicated to the AC Milan players and every AC Milan fan who supported Milan during the season.

Enjoy the video and subscribe my channel please!

Forza Milan!!


ocx xie says:

Pato prime time, miss this milan ???

Robert Langdon says:

this milan or 2007 milan?

Alban Strakosha says:

When will this Milan return again? ??? i miss Boateng Pato Ibrahimovic Cassano Robinho Kaka Nesta Thiago Silva.
Maldini Cafu Baresi Dida Pippo Gattuso Sedorf Pirlo Shevchenko Crespo
Van Basten Rijkard Gullit ???

jerangkung jerang says:

pato,ibra,ronaldinho,robinho,beckham,k.p boateng,thiago silva,dida,montolivo,abate,pirlo,inzhagi,c.seedorf and else.i miss this time

Diego Niño says:

so many world class players!

Ugith Dahanayaka says:

Wow great video!!!


Song at 5:15 ? Realle awesome videio man, brings back the memories. FORZA MILAN!!

Jebril I says:

This is the Milan everyone loves!!!?? No one hated them except other Italian supporters cause Milan always raped them

Edon Sahiti says:

When i see now what milan we have, I begin to cry

Gabriel Rodrigues says:

What´s name this second song in 04:50 ?

Laith Arida says:

i miss this milan

Yuri Alter Szaniecki says:

Thiago Silva, Nesta, Gattuso, Pirlo, Seedorf, Ronaldinho, Cassano, Pato, Robinho, Ibra… it wasn't fair lol

CptPandaLP says:

Love that Team! <3

Ilyas Aftab says:

i love ac milan ti voglio bene ac milan viva milan for ever milan forza milan forza milan w milan <3 milan forza rossineri t.v.b. forza milan forza fast milan fast

Dj_Nick says:

я кончил!! FORZA MILAN!!!

Azam Edwards says:

Milan forever and ever.

Pippogool124 says:

Io sono fedele a Milano!

Zizou El Zid says:

Milan 4 ever !!

Left881 says:

Milan is the best!!!!!!

Chelo Varela says:


RYANNE says:


MacBoss28 says:

@TheeGeorgian Alex Gaudioso – Your name

GETO 23 says:

4:53 Minutes What Name This Song ?? Forza MIlan !

Frank Ripepi says:

thiago silva is the best defender very lucky acmilan have him cuz HE IS BEEAASSTTT

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