Kevin Prince Boateng Moonwalk Dance Michael Jackson Tribute | AC MILAN | (Full Video) HD.

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Ав Он says:

Viva Prince!

belo Horizonte says:

Another moonwalk KPB for the triplé at the end of the season with Barça in middle of camp nou with 120 000 fans ?

Keine Angabe says:

What a great player he was in AC Milan his goals were legendary

Robert Syer says:

why am i only just seeing this?

Kanit Kadam says:

As a Culé, I don't know what to say ? ??

Mike Jones says:

Barcelona welcomes you

2011SHACK says:

Visca barca!!!

Tian Gen Goh says:

I love this guy I swear

vhi arundaa says:



Prince at barca who is watching

sarbik de says:

Anyone here after Barcelona signed him?

TheSamuelCoC says:

Porque mejor nose dedica a ser bailarín en vez de ser futbolista quien opina lo mismo??

amine La says:

prince au barca…lol

YX Cheng says:

Welcome to Barça!

DJ Cunar says:

Zweback anyone?

Robert Langdon says:

That was lit. Damn Milan had some fine players back then

Robert Langdon says:

2007 or 2011 squad?

RobPlayz says:

Sorry Prince

ariel sharon says:

after this party… Milan.. Never scudeto.. Until now.. Hhahaah

Adam fowzi says:

the ones who said bad moonwalk are juve fans , I can't imagine Higuaín dancing like that .

Platous Rhayteer says:

Among Footballers KPB and Quaresma both are the craziest ever

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