Manchester United vs Arsenal 8-2 Highlights 2011-12 HD 720p (English Commentary)

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afwan riyadi says:

It's only Ferguson who can put 4 mediocre midfielders and torture their biggest rival 😀 😀 😀

African God says:

That was a massacre. All those man u players should stand trial at the ICC.

Real Is Real says:

Who's watching ahead of the 2019 fa clash

Real Is Real says:

De Gea was still a beast back then

LaZeR Dannyboy9 says:

Becasue Wenger

Winston Red says:

aNa sKm : Arsenal kalecisi

Marcelo Vincenzi says:

I thought you couldn't upload rape on YouTube


Anyone watching this after the 2-2 draw?

Boli A says:

Je me souviens de ce match !

kevin ml says:

this man utd side was shit but still so effective

Xavier Niva says:

Stop at 2:48, you can actually see a smiling old man or Trump on the grass, just above Nani.

Jamie D says:

Only Ferguson could take one of the most mediocre squads in Utd’s recent history and turn them into a team that could destroy their rivals.

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