Mario Balotelli | AC Milan | 2015/2016 Overall

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Song : Unison – Translucent


zio ben says:

The music is a shit

Nãřųþœ ķßhəþřį says:

if he was in big clubs then he would have been one of the best player

Ryan Meek says:

Never thought about him as a winger, but he was doing good work on that left side. Was he deployed there for ac milan or did he drift wide?

Gon Soku says:

Hes amazing this season

Christopher Graham says:

Can you do one on Philippe Mexes plz?

Yonas Redie says:

Best one mario he is best player in the world ?

Boubacar Sarr says:

Send this Video to Jürgen Klopp

Harry St says:

he is a fucking complete player…amazing shots amazing FK and PK amazing dribbling and smart plays..why are you ruining ur career mario…

vaishakh pv says:

he is such a good player , no service from milan midfield , he has to come so deep to get the ball and make the play

Alexandros Triandafillidis says:

lack of goals but good overall

Luca Juve says:

I think the main problem with Balotelli is that too many people use him as a scapegoat. He is a fantastic player who needs some confidence. He is still young so his career is far from over. He needs a manager who is gunna push him but not give up on him

Lai Cheong says:

I feel like his skills is totally fine but his problem is that he make decisions without thinking of the bigger picture, like he would choose a risky passing target and use a complicated way, but that player not necessarily in a very good position, while there are other easier and better options


E' inutile che lo si prende in giro e' un fenomeno quest'anno al milan e' stato sfortunato ma sono sicuro che si riscattera' molto presto….FORZA SUPER MARIO

Tinashe Rupiya says:

With him @ Euro Germany would hv gone down again.

Dwayne k27ism says:

Still a great player, but just his ego that ruined him!

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