AC Milan's Oguchi Onyewu talks World Cup Draw

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FutbolrTV caught up w/ Oguchi Onyewu in NYC to discuss 2010 World Cup Draw and ask who does he fear facing in the 2010 World Cup Draw. Listen to his answer


Paxtilhoko says:

Welcome to SCP!

lerouchestandard says:

gooch come back to standard please it is the place you became a great footballer
and it is also where everyone loves you everyone wants you back there
remember the great moments together , the two titles , the european games , you are always welcome

flip18o says:

USA has kept improving their games since early 90's
they'll get better and better.
hope USA go to knock out stage!!

Evdizz says:

Gooch Dogg!

Quéren Hapuque says:

lindooooooooo e gostoso!!!!!! 🙂

Cool Hand Luke says:

His recovery has been good. He'll be back in Italy in a few weeks.

xbattlecatx says:

i hope gooch recovers soon

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