Cristiano Ronaldo Vs Manchester United Away HD 1080i (23/10/2018)

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Music Version :
English Commentary.
High Definition.


Santiago Tenorio says:

sin duda el peor video de mi vida como se te ocurre publicar eso jajaj q risa
CR7 el mejor

Suraj Raut says:

He played like he don't want to score against them

Kris Skora says:

Should zoom in closer next time, I can barely tell it’s Ronaldo.

Keliek Mulyanto says:

Cr7 vs the best goalkeeper

Hip Hop Crazy says:

Algo qué las ratas españoles nunca harán éso se llama respetó a un ex jugador qué le dio mucho al Manchester???

Samuel Edits says:

Hello brother, can you give me the link of just this video porfa? I do promotion for this 🙂 Thanks for reading and I follow you on your social networks 🙂

Pami Tapa says:

Stupid video. Stupid zooming

Froggy Noddy says:

united will be much better from December.

7 Vids says:

where is your sick muisc man!? i know you from manchester united times with sick musics

Lucas Mendonça says:

Ronaldo vc e demais cara, e uma pena vc nao jogar pra sempre ?

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