FIFA Predictions | Episode 1 : Manchester United Vs Wigan (High Definition)

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**NOTES**(Please Read)
FIFA Predictions Episode 1 Season 1! (Manchester United) Vs (Wigan) .Please Like,Comment And Subscribe! Hope You Guys Like This Series
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Software Used:Roxio Game Capture Software,VideoWave(Video Editor),Sony Vegas Pro 11.

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This Video Teach You:
1.How To Play Football/Soccer.
2.How To Do A Commentary.
3.How To Predict Something.
4.How To Play Video Games.
5.How To Do Football Tricks.

TAGS : Football,Soccer,FIFA 12,FIFA 13,FIFA Predictions,Manchester United,Chelsea,Liverpool,Manchester City,Arsenal,
Barcelona,Real Madrid,Valencia,AC Milan,Inter Milan,Juventus,Napoli,Tottenham


gibanica says:

@JEFFBOON123 that's the way better. download link if possible?

info0 Gaming says:

@JEFFBOON123 Haha, but seriously, such pitch at Old Trafford? That's bad idea 😀

Rodrigo Mendes says:

like i say in other video, play like a fucking monkey m8… stop make tricks every second… this is horrible..

info0 Gaming says:

WTF is with this pitch?! :O

gibanica says:

the pitch is disaster..

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