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Sheepstersaurus says:

whos djigla?

Fernando Avalos says:

Dude, get Ahmed Musa as ST and Zappacosta as RB

GioSports says:

You should do a Milan RTG – Send them down to the bottom of Serie B, strip them of their best talents, focus on youth and rebuild to the top 🙂

Chrizz Breizz says:

Nice video,but maybe sign Alexis or Rakitic or Bravo

And please can you just see how much contract an witch team Ronaldo playing for

Adamo Rimoli says:

Put Scuffet in the 2nd squad because he's in bad form so if he plays with a sick second team in front of he he will be inform and improve

CaptinzSparlez PlaysCOD says:

I'm so excited about this season 😀 just to see can you start your second team maybe in a friendly but great video in total <3

A Zetti says:


Noah Dantuma says:

Goede video en die Zlatan regen is ook een goede aankoop ik hoop dat deze Milan career mode nog lang door gaat ga zo door 🙂

Ahmed Bashraheel says:

you need a back up RB! get Belerin from Arsenal, quick and young

xXThisIsSpartaaaXx says:

Great video as always.
Just from me, you can sign James Rodriguez – Money + Coutinho ?
On my 5th season he was 89 rated with about 10 stats over 90
Keep up good work. You have my like 😀

Imed Turki says:

and who won the world cup ??

Harrison Crosby says:

It seems like you've achieved everything with Milan, maybe you should take a look at what other managerial jobs are available. Great episode and great series by the way :).

Jason Ramirez says:

Great video you always do an awesome career mode :D!

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