Great video as always. Just from me, you can sign James Rodriguez – Money + Coutinho ? On my 5th season he was 89 rated with about 10 stats over 90 Keep up good work. You have my like 😀
It seems like you've achieved everything with Milan, maybe you should take a look at what other managerial jobs are available. Great episode and great series by the way :).
whos djigla?
Dude, get Ahmed Musa as ST and Zappacosta as RB
You should do a Milan RTG – Send them down to the bottom of Serie B, strip them of their best talents, focus on youth and rebuild to the top 🙂
Nice video,but maybe sign Alexis or Rakitic or Bravo
And please can you just see how much contract an witch team Ronaldo playing for
Put Scuffet in the 2nd squad because he's in bad form so if he plays with a sick second team in front of he he will be inform and improve
I'm so excited about this season 😀 just to see can you start your second team maybe in a friendly but great video in total <3
Goede video en die Zlatan regen is ook een goede aankoop ik hoop dat deze Milan career mode nog lang door gaat ga zo door 🙂
you need a back up RB! get Belerin from Arsenal, quick and young
Great video as always.
Just from me, you can sign James Rodriguez – Money + Coutinho ?
On my 5th season he was 89 rated with about 10 stats over 90
Keep up good work. You have my like 😀
and who won the world cup ??
It seems like you've achieved everything with Milan, maybe you should take a look at what other managerial jobs are available. Great episode and great series by the way :).
Great video you always do an awesome career mode :D!