Juventus 2-3 Manchester United All Goals & Highlights / English Commentary 1999

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Warwick Road says:

I was there, that night.
Still reduces me to tears of joy.
Thank you for sharing.

Zac Panther says:

Utd now are miles off in comparison to this Utd team

The Rave Music Archive says:

20 years ago today!

The Rave Music Archive says:

When Cole scored that 3rd goal, i hit my head on the light fitting when i jumped up off the sofa.

Anderson Silva says:

Pippo ‘I’m not a titliner’ Inzaghi

James Barry says:

Come on United!

THM2008 says:

Inzaghi was born offside

James Young says:

My dad was at this game never shuts up about it

곰자리 says:

1:01 Perfect Header Goal From The Manchester United FC Captain Roy Kean!!!!

JoePoland says:

Yorke was a cracking player in that season…

John McGrath says:


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