Chelsea Vs AC Milan 5-0 03.08.2008 Russian Cup

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Vladimir says:

Russian cup? wtf?

kingcamilo says:

that didnt happen last time they played did it?

Sergio Chavez says:

chelsea sucks balls
forza milan

moo poo says:

what potato did you use to record this?

dkdps1 says:

Chealsea would still beat ac milan

kingcamilo says:

milan was in chaos with the goalkeepers. they had lost dida and were looking for something amazin. now they found him. a guarantee chelsea would lose now

rudy erwin says:

milanisti get outta here

wan cech says:

I agree with the commentator..

DarkCocou says:

frank lambard

Muhammad Khairi says:

if chelsea brag about this lets brag about our champions league.

as585 says:

this video is ridiculous you cant even see the ball

aatir7madrid says:

hahaha hala madrid

Geoffster1990 says:

russian cup???

Ultrass White says:


Aiwei Wu says:


MLChann3L says:

goddam milan is goin down hill

timmo gulliver says:

pre season, no tele coverage

TToTToTT says:

milan wasn't on their best while chelsea was….thats all i could say

Marco Johnko says:

With a team like AC Milan, including there outstanding credibility/history etc…there Defense has been a complete and utter shambles of late! with poor poor goalkeeping, but give them time, and they'll be back with wrath & vengance.

jermyang says:

haha terrible goalkeeping.

leftstriker1 says:

chelseas brilliant

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