Rade Krunic ● Welcome to AC Milan 2019 ● Skills, Tackles & Goals

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Rade Krunic AC Milan 2019, Rade Krunic Milan 2019, Rade Krunic 2019/2020, Rade Krunic skills AC Milan 2019/20
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Makso Kovac says:

Srecno Focak!!

dsa zus says:

Kome smeta jaki Milan ???

Hashi Mohamed says:

Poalo maladini did good job

Непокорена Гора Романија says:


F͓̽B͓̽ B͓̽E͓̽A͓̽M͓̽ says:

Welcome <3

dilshad haval says:

I have strong feeling milan will be a bad ass in next season

World Talents says:

Another flop ?‍♂️

Nicola Lissignoli says:

Mi Ricorda molto uno dei miei giocatori preferiti (non che fosse un fenomeno) juraj kucka

PONGED says:

¿Ya es oficial?

danijel grižon says:

Hello i'm rade and i'm happy to see that the bench is comfortable.

Muslikh Adhi Pramono says:

Welcome to Milan! I knew you're the best footballer ever if no no one play football.
as a Milann fan i cried to see AC Milan signing. Poor Milan.

giorgos atassi says:

He is confirmed to Milan or you doing parties with your mind ??

Waris Adriyo says:

Welcome to family

Clever738 says:

Milan will win the scudetto 19/20 ! We have finally understood that our problem is the midfield.

Ivan 351 says:

Rade krunic hahahahaha

Adi Pardita says:

once upon a time, a long long long time ago.. there was a grandeur football club called AC Milan

Julián Olarte says:

Taarabt 2.0 ❤️

Noah Sunny says:

Late bloomer

Denny Piatek says:

Welcome Ac milan ?⚫?

Ervina Widyawati says:

I hope he'll bring AC Milan ini the positive track

Adhi Sofiant says:

Welcome to san siro

Nico Ruisi says:

Fidatevi ho seguito l'Empoli tutto l'anno.
È un centrocampista più forte di tutti gli altri che abbiamo in squadra.

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