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In Italy, the drama never stops…

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Martina Likaj says:


Dovahkiin says:

Nope we will send him on a 2 year loan to Torino instead in a part of the Belotti deal so he can sink Juve in a Torino shirt and then return to Milan

isaiah mcdonald says:

inter need to get their shit togethor

Alexander Glisic says:

I love it how inter supporters r just sitting back while their 2 rivals r at each others throats??

Nesia Beats says:

locatelli è l'anti juve??

mahmad mouftah says:

forzaaaaaaaaaaaaa milan

Ferntapa Ahhh says:

The money from AC came from a US consortium. It's not their money. They promised to spend a little over 200m. But they must make champions. Inters owners are the real Chinese magnates. While AC's needed to borrow their money and spend it immediately, why else would they have rushed to buy an entirely new XI think about it. That's not normal for any club. Neither Man City nor PSG did this when they were taken over. AC have a lot of pressure to perform or else their owners will be forced to sell to US owners

Attilio Pallage Don says:

Yo…. do videos as a football fan Marco not as a Juve fan…

phati2007 says:

hahahah I love the way this one ended

shaquille sheppard says:

I can't believe Arsenal sold szeszny to juve we should have sent him on loan not sell him to juventus

Switch. says:

Don't feel bad Marco juve is still good but milan is coming muahahahahahahah

Nabil Meljane says:

relax marco locatteli is going nowhere


What is michael’s favorite team in general (all the leagues)

Anthony Comba says:

Now everytime you guys talk about a transfer that seems unlikely Marco is gonna bring up Bonucci?

Seig Enigma says:

Dear all Juventus fans,

How does it feel to have arguably your best player leave your club for your rivals? Isn't so funny now is it? But look on the bright side maybe this will open up the Serie A so instead of getting smacked around 4-1 by Real Madrid the same could happen to you by both the Milans and Napoli

Sincerely, a Napoli Fan

Jimmy Ficco says:

Belotti 2 Milan would be simple from player standpoint it's going to come down to the team think 70 million and couple players will close the deal. Marco stop trying to take Mikey from us he's Milan

Adam Durrani says:

I laughed so hard when it said Chinese money instead of Arab money ???????

Will brazil fc till i die says:

fucking Juventus,saying Chelsea must offer 70 million for Alex sandro,and the club did,and was rejected, greedy italian chairman's at it again. still yet to hear if Alex accepts the offer, and up for coming to Chelsea,just cause our final offer got rejected does not mean it ends now,i wanna know what the player has to say.

Liban Yusuf says:

If belotti comes to Milan we're definitely winning the scudetto this year

Alvin Chit says:

Borini 2.5m/year FFS

Alvin Chit says:

If we sign Belotti, Bonucci's son will surely visit his father in Milanello whenever he has spare time! 😀

Giordano says:

Milan apparently also very interested in Renato Sanches

Giordano says:


Marco Wang says:

There is no way Locatelli is going to Juve, I mean, if you remember the looks and tears he had after that goal and 1-0 win last season.

Luca Pipolo says:


kaka abamos 8 milan boy says:

locatelli is a Milan last born child no way for any magicians absolutely no

Edward Toruan says:

#mikethemilanfans ?

RK Ghosh says:

Revenge? Locatelli would rather die than going to Juve he is the biggest Milanista out there. But yeah Messina you can dream on.

Shteno says:

If they (Man-U) are willing to give Martial for Perisic, with NO MONEY on top of it, Inter should take this proposal with thinking at all! That kid could beocme a world class player under Spalletti's guidance!
And Juve taking away Locatelli!?!?! Hahahaha! Keep on dreaming…there's nothing wrong in it! Manolas would be a proper replacement for Bonucci? Hahahaha! Who's kidding who here? They have Benathia, who's better than him, so…

Mohammad Ali says:

the only way we're gonna shut these milan fans is when we play a match and they get obliterated and then end up not qualifying for the UCL again

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