Ac Milan vs Inter 0:4 29/08/2009 HQ All Goals & HighLights

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Ok there was a comment below why the heck i put this music well because this was the best quality i found and the language was Bulgarain i don’t know but i think u won’t understand a word they say right ?
Really Sad day for MIlan fans I hope U like the Quality and all Subscribe If u wona see more of this And Hope Next Time The winner to be Milan 🙂 🙂 Subscribe it just here to the right


MrExpert121 says:

INTER! i tacka!

cristian333fx says:

forza juventus

Ground says:

the whole team of milan can't compare with MAICON !!! 😀 MAICON THE BEST EVER !!

il macellaio says:

@stadioazteca you were/are at the right side. otherwise iniesta would have been chosen as best player in 2010. and i'm dutch so i couldn't abide that

Mauro Paolino says:

maicon faccia da culo

Simolui herrera says:

@stadioazteca how right were you… we won everything!!!

yobrocazzuto says:

porca troia maicon..

Stefan says:


Nikola Delic says:

Music is so cool.

RIVI7 says:

Nice video man and the music is AWESOME OK so thanks because I don't understant Bulgarian anyways lol but FUCK the guy that said this kind of music suck

Daniele Secci says:


Reed Dauti says:

thnx man forzza nerazzurri !!!! …i wish a win against R.KAzan on wednesday …3 : 1 ….fORZZA INTER …..and i would love 2 see …Quaressma and Sneider on middefield ..they can won the game and it will be a best connection with Milito and eto'o ..

dragobianco1 says:

do not listen to this fuckin cheater! (of course he is a juventus fan)

dragobianco1 says:

you're cool man!!! FORZA NERAZZURRI!!

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