1997-1998 Milan vs Inter 0-3

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1997-1998 Milan vs Inter 0-3

42′ Simeone, 77′ Ronaldo, 87′ Simeone


Eu, Arthur says:

Qual è il nome di questa canzone All'Minuto 0:12 del video?

What is the name of this song that plays in the minute: 0:12 of this video?

satriawan nugroho says:

I am 8 old years,.

Paulinho Pinheiro says:

pensei que o simeoni so soubesse dar porrada, mas ate que sabia jogar uma bolinha…

Vukbg says:

Ronaldo the best all time

Giovanni Zanca says:

Gran bella squadra

9 p says:

What's the last song please

landochabod7 says:

3:21 uno dei più grandi lanci di tutti i tempi

Wirid Wiwanda says:

La beneamata

almir ricardo góes says:

Só craque… contra ataque mortal

Charlene Gatt says:

Milan Sfinterista 5-0.

Marvelous says:

4'35 the speed of Ronaldo…

Rober to says:

Por egoísta, Simeone casi no hace el último gol.

ايمن محمد says:

سيميوني سجل ثنائية في مرمي ميلان … و جورج ويا و كليفرت فشلا في التسجيل ..

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