FIFA 18 – Ac Milan & Inter Player Faces

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FIFA 18 -Milan & Inter Player Faces

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Javier Sierra says:

what a shit

Fernando aguilera says:

How the fuck can a ac milan or inter fan play this peace of shit?..shame on you stupid ea sports

User Name says:

wow everyone has a shitty big ass nose….wtf

Antonio Alliegro says:

how can they still fail to give a face to donnarumma!?

High Frequency says:

Really disappointed with the faces this year

Blir Rakipi says:

Vecino and Bonaventura same face WTFF !

_RedRibbon_ says:

Vaya vergüenza de caras.

Exe says:

OMG one of the most important club in Serie A and 80% of the faces are still generic…. Unbelievable

Zlatan Ibrahimović says:

adem ljajic from torino fc has a face?

Jeison 13 says:

Menuda mierda de caras, que porquería de juego por Dios todos los años las mismas putas varas, que vergüenza

raymi9612 says:

no scan in Serie A once again. horrible faces

Gabino Delgado says:

ya nunca van a volver a escanear una puta cara o qué pasa?

Nicola Losacco says:

Si può fare un aggiornamento dei volti di donnarumma. suso.bonaventura.andre Silva . kalinic. rodriguez?

alputazo says:

Horrible faces

Amon961 says:

What is Ea doing whole year ? Nobody scanned from Serie A !! I think Im gonna ignore Fifa again

Kevin Herrera says:

Can you show as well the ratings for Ac Milan and substitutes?

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