Menez To Join Bordeaux! | AC Milan News | Rossoneri TV

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Jeremy Menez is set to join Bordeaux after his medicals on Monday. Marco comments on the latest AC Milan transfer news and rumours.

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Joseph Garcia says:

Milan is starting to get a rep for bringing on guys that do well up top for us, but not being able to keep them motivated. And I know Menez had his injury issues, but I expected him to stay and hopefully develop a relationship with his country man, Niang, up front.

K Lock says:

if milan wanna buy more new player, please buy lacazette ?

Tomas Calabro Gimenez Villarejo says:

+rossoneri tv what happened with the chinese?

Limburgs says:

has arbeloa already signed a contract??

Darkhorse says:

Thanks for the input MM. Menez is boss on fifa, so i'll miss him in that regard (lol) . Doesnt he have a year left in his contract tho? if we were to get no fee for him… surely you'd be better off keeping him then

Angelomessi92 says:

Montella showcased a very promising Milan against Bayern things already look much better than last season can't wait to see more

Kavi Lake says:

Too bad we don't have any owners that have money…


PeNGShaAy Is gay and he wont stop sending me sexual messages. Gio please block this person. Ps- love your channel and i been following for a year now. Milan for life!

Dwayne k27ism says:

Guys, did you hear? the preliminary agreement won't be signed in the first few days of August but in 2-3 weeks time, despite this, the deal will still be signed and Berlusconi will still sell Milan…?

Edgar Lemus says:

who best fits milan in as a 7 ?

Aniket Dessai says:

Close Zielinski now Atleast. Chinese better not disappoint come the end of August.

Casualxx Gamerxx says:

Loving them Italian gestures throughout the vid!

GrandmasterTigerfist says:

Its ok Menez is gone but we will likely get some mediocre player.

Christopher Quercia says:

I like montella tactical possession game it look like montolivo is playing better and also like niang and suso they made some nice plays especially that dummy from niang to suso but bertolacci couldn't reach the ball but I'm also happy the bertolacci scored.
Also Kuca penenka was nice and donnarumma distribution at the back was great and a amazing penalty save as well was nice


Yesterday Milan showed potential honestly they are just missing good quality

midfielders like Kucko who can be deadly in passing. Bertolacci should be subbed in the coming games

he was good but he should be kept on the bench and give him little time so he can push him self and show his real potential.

the team showed enough possession football yesterday but most importantly

they showed that they can potentially pass the ball to the offense to score which in my opinion will be a huge step forward.

for milan next season. In my opinion bacca should really stay, he would work perfectly with the formation they played with

Suso with amazing right wing work and JACK with some amazing left wing work. We need a back up for Jack and they young

player zalenoti could fill in that spot in my opinion. We are really missing players and I think that two or three players need to be

signed in the left midfiled posession as a back up for bonaventura, a good center back with romanigoli and honestly I think

mustaphi would fill in that possession perfectly. and a good center midfilder like verrati who can spread the play.

Forza Milan !!!

and Thank you guys for the great feedback and great videos and all the best to Menez !!

Franco Marsella says:

Yea it kinda does suck that he is going for free because we could rly use some money rn

Mohammad Bakeer says:

Italian football tv

Palmita Boi says:

Now if we can buy someone that would be great. Literally…ANYONE

PeNGShaAy says:

who the fuck r u ?

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