FIFA 16 | AC Milan Career Mode | EXTRA | Worldcup with Belgium!!

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JoshYonline says:

England ftw

coreyrock66 says:

United States

Ryan says:


Ryan says:

I will support Germany because my roots are German even though I am Scottish

Sander Pint says:

I support Belgium 😀

Juju A.P. says:

Alderweirld will play!

Pa3k C says:

Why are all your old vids private?

Emilio Zg says:

I suport Italia but hope you win with Belgium Tim 🙂

Ryan Mooney says:

Australia will win the world cup

Pa3k C says:

Any news on Croatia being in FIFA 17?

Mr. Miro says:

Romania !!!! Go românia

global lemon says:

Finland is going to win the world cup

Frank Furters says:

Austria have the brackets because of Austria wien(A club in the Austrian Bundesliga)

Frank Furters says:

New Zealand!!

Joe Hay says:

Nice to see Belgium for a change! Good results as well! I'm obviously rooting for England but also want you to do well with Belgium! Can't wait to see the knockouts!

Joe Hay says:

Nice to see Belgium for a change! Good results as well! I'm obviously rooting for England but also want you to do well with Belgium! Can't wait to see the knockouts!

Lars Rozendal says:

Holland mate ( with the group we have in the qualifiers we probably not even make the World Cup )

Sirinwara says:

In real life I think Colombia, and maybe France will stand a very good chance. Also Germany.
In this tournament, well… I think you'll reach the semi finals but sometimes missed chances backfire. A bronze medal is achievable anyway.
I guess Brazil and Uruguay will reach the finals!


Australia <3

Louai Mrabet says:

very awesome job and thank you for this

MeDeChamp says:

Man, USA didn't qualify 🙁
I'm watching from California!

JYakers says:

No Mignolet. Unsubbed.

Pierre Krantz says:

That midfield man, holy freaking cow. Hope you feel better soon 🙂 Naturally I support my Sweden.

Liam Gourlay says:

I really liked this! I think you could win it

Jake Brownless says:

Ive got the I of the tger

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