Ante Rebić – Welcome to AC Milan 2019

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♫ Music:

1. Track: Axol & Holly – I Need You (feat. The Tech Thieves) [Magic Free Release]
Music Provided By: Magic Records
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2. Song: P3RRY – Invincible
Video’s Link:

3. Listen To The Original:
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4. Song: Veorra & The Tech Thieves – Ghost Town
Video’s Link:

5. Track: Calli Boom – Fallout [Magic Release]
Music Provided By: Magic Records
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5. [FREE] Offset x Quavo Type Beat ‘Sneakers Collection’ Free Trap Beats 2018 – Rap/Trap Instrumental

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James Ebola says:

Remove this crap from Youtube. This player is horrible. He has no skills
or knowledge of the game. He's useless and frustrating to watch. Crude
and unskillful. Belongs in park and rec league.

James Ebola says:

Remove this crap from Youtube. This player is horrible. He has no skills
or knowledge of the game. He's useless and frustrating to watch. Crude
and unskillful. Belongs in park and rec league.

yan monk says:

OMG, this guy is milan prepared for the season? why do not give chance to the young people in youth training.

fm-shaman says:

Finally someone to support Piatek hopefully. I'm kinda sick of Calhanoglu and Suso.

Paolo Giordano says:

Dai che forse quest'anno ne abbiamo uno che sulla trequarti ha il coraggio di saltare un avversario e creare superiorità numerica

Alfredo Clemente says:

In italia non dribblerà neanche uno .

Mr Francisco says:

Milan will still be shit, you got a mediocre coach and players

Fabrizio Speranza says:

Duttile….esterno e seconda punta. Finalmente non vedro piu chalanoglu largo a sinistra ?

Karthik Krishna Kumar says:

Gosh. Looks like another awful player who is going to frustrate us in counter attacks.

Thomas Lavallée says:

Sell Suso in January to buy Everton

H Siregar says:

Isnt the video supposed to show his best play? Or these all the best he could give?

Mohamad Ali says:

Physically strong player plus He is playing with both legs, this is very important point too

fgar 17 says:

Jugadorazo. Lo unico que quería era verlo en la camiseta del Manchester United…
Ojalá y la rompa en el Milan.

SkiN Obsy says:

Dai che quest'anno sto Milan con Rebic vince Europa League e accede ai gironi di champions. È l'unica soluzione

Rein Antoni says:

Percuma beli pemain byk2 kalau mainnya gk kompak,,, n Milan bermain terlalu lambat…. egois…

Masa dgn Udinese aja kalah…malu2in kau Milan…

Aku gk ska Milan yg sekarang…??

panda albania says:

Una cosa e sicura in porta nn la mette mai questo

Muhammad Iqbal Azhar says:


Trevor Dias says:

I hope milan gets 4th this season

Pablo Torres says:

Pesado y poco técnico. ¿Hizo bien el Milán?

En lo personal, no me gusta.

Simon Carstens says:

I stopped the vid after 1:06 .. horrible vid haha

Amirul Aliff says:

watch out Serie A, the Warrior coming ?

Iron Man says:

Non ne azzecca una praticamente

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