This proves why Chong, Greenwood & Gomes are the future of Manchester United!

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#tahithchong #masongreenwood #angelgomes

Tahith Chong, Mason Greenwood, Angel Gomes best skills for manchester united this preseason showcasing why they shoudl be considered a chance in the 1st team based on their good performances.

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ichiro85 says:

Chong spent a lot of the video getting fouled. Haha. Anyway, I feel Tuanzebe and Garner may be more ready than Chong. Needs a loan, more actual competitive game time to fine tune the player he wants to be. Still seems a little too raw for me.

Peter Kasneci says:

We have no one to take the penalties…

bluntsmoke says:

Mason greenwood, Angel gomez, taith chong, James garner and now we also have hannibal mejbri

Adam Elfrikh says:

I miss the Anthony Martial Video

Alexandre says:

why not leave just commentaries instead of that samey meme "music" ? listening with no sound ruins it :/

David Sparks says:


Brainiac 1209 says:

Who need lukaku and sanchez while we have this boys

Mr yare says:

Why the most of fans preferred greenwood than the Chong?

GIOA7 says:

Love This!?

Lực Hứa says:

Đúng vậy

Jay Jay aries says:

This is why sometimes playing youth works out in the long one because
You can see with Gomez, Greenwood and Chong the hunger the passion and they have the work rate but when buying players abroad they only want to come to united for the wages , I think we have to be patient play the youth and see what happens.

Taylor Lovenkramds says:

I think gomez and greeneood are ready for premier league but chong needs a loan move and work on the body….his too light!!!

Ryan agyemang says:

Man!these kids are good

Joshua Pevy says:

2:49 guarantee you rashford wouldn’t of scored that

Chetan Pardeshi says:

People talk about Greenwood Chong Games and Garner but We have a kid name Dylan Levitt in the Academy Hope he also get his chance The next Paul Scholes

tony stark says:

Do we have only these 3 in the academy???

Joel Sletten says:

Gomes and greenwood is ready.
Chong should get loaned to the championship. I always cringe when someone tackles at his toothpicklegs. But he is not ready, he is wastefull on the ball and makes poor choises under pressure

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