AC Milan 3-3 Liverpool Champions League Final 2005

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The greatest European Cup Final of all time


Ya Wa says:

Poorly made video that mate

Harrison Tinsley says:

Am a keeper and I did a Duek to win the league ??? it was a pen aswell

yetideti says:

who is watching this video to cheer up after the today's game? cl 2018, final

Brus Willis says:

Thank you Dudek

Charlie Lynch says:

This final is OVER ???

Kusuma Dewa says:

what the orchestra music title ?

Gobtik says:

Terrible referring – couldn't spot Dudek 3-4m off his line during the penalty saves before the ball was kicked – all fouls. Liverpool cheated their way. Not even remotely the greatest final, the most tainted cheating one maybe

Yuri Renato says:

Sou milanista roxo , mas esse jogo foi o mais emocionante que já acompanhei! Fiquei desolado, mas 2007 desafogou a alma! A sorte é que em 2005 o título ficou nas mãos do Liverpool, que também é um gigante!

pieandmash100 says:

1 word "Destiny"

ScriptKiddie says:

25 yards out doesn't shoot but SMICERRR MIGHTTTTTTTTTT

ybk says:

what a save by DUDEK
I still can't fathom how he made that double save

Wiktor Balcerek says:

Dudek dance 😀

Tim Bob says:

This is a final to remember

Huey W says:

Fixed. Milan threw the second half. Got caught match fixing the following season. They were coasting until they got the offer they couldn't refuse at half time.

GoldVillage says:

Im a Arsenal fan but this really gave me goosebumps, and it will be a cold day in hell before i would prefer italian or spanish teams over ANY english team

Iron Rottweiler says:

God Loves Liverpool

ScarfaceJameZ says:

"What a save from Shevchenko by Jerzy Dudek" ?

Mark James says:

Kaka or Kaká ?English commentators are great with foreign names

Grant Reill says:

For You'll Never Walk Alone

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