PES 2017 Classic AC Milan Squad (Preview of Faces)

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This is a short video to showcase the faces of the full AC Milan squad that will feature in our soon to be released option file.

Faces by Ratmundo / Kit Creator – Ratmundo



Happy because you came back … I hope you work in national teams for 2019 … that would make many people very happy. congratulations for your work.

firman foxtrot says:

not fair, fuck damn

Олег says:

Buffon Juventus!!! За Милан он никогда не выступал!

Nene Jime Valen says:

hey ratmundo para cuando sale el option files de estos equipos gracias

husnu sadece says:

Where is Inter classic man how to find

Alan Gonzalez says:

F. Inzaghi??

Abbas Dhahi says:

from where you get classic team and player buddy

Ranshi Farhan says:

Is this for ps3

Ranshi Farhan says:

When option file releases

Bassam Albeladi says:

My favorite classic team
but where's Dida and Rui Costa and Pirlo?
Can't wait to download your option file

Luis Camilo says:

omg !!!! like crack, i love it, when release the OF???

Brandon St. Randy says:

Hey mate, please check you inbox!

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