ancora mi chiedo come abbiano fatto a buttare il ritorno con il deportivo…follia totale, un'altra champions che poteva essere in bacheca. mi manca quel Milan
That Milan could have been european champ for 5 times in a row 2003-2007. It was a shame that in 2004, 2005 and 2006 little but essentials details were neglected. Abuse of confidence in the return match against Depor in 2004, the same abuse of confidence in the second half of the 2005 final against Liverpool, regular goal of Shevchenko misteriously canceled by the referee in the 2006 semifinal against Bercelona.
Second match. .
Deportivo v milan 4-0 ??
Miss this team..
Love u AC Milan..
Kaka was monster
ancora mi chiedo come abbiano fatto a buttare il ritorno con il deportivo…follia totale, un'altra champions che poteva essere in bacheca. mi manca quel Milan
Super Depor 🙁
Very tenacious and tireless play awesome ✌️?
That Milan could have been european champ for 5 times in a row 2003-2007. It was a shame that in 2004, 2005 and 2006 little but essentials details were neglected. Abuse of confidence in the return match against Depor in 2004, the same abuse of confidence in the second half of the 2005 final against Liverpool, regular goal of Shevchenko misteriously canceled by the referee in the 2006 semifinal against Bercelona.
Melhor Milan que já vi Kaká fantástico.
Jadul Milan ok
I didn t remember that goal by sheva…amazing !!!!
till now i cant get how we lose the second leg
Kekalahan milan menyakitkan.wkt dikandang deportivo d bantei 4gol
Easy peasy for Milan. With this result they dont need to worry about the second leg i bet.
А что было в ответном матче все помнят!
Чистейший гол Индзаги. Нет в помине оффсайда. Сколько игр пидорасы со свистками и флагами загубили.
Maldini, Nesta, Stam, Cafu;
Kaka, Gattuso, Pirlo, Seedorf;
Shevchenko, Inzaghi;
Coach: Ancelotti
The milan I love
Deportivo la carogna
The golden Milan, the club that enchanted the world <3
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