Ignazio Abate compilation 2009/2010 – AC Milan young new superstar

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A video about AC Milan’s rising star Abate,a legend in the making . Born in in Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Province of Benevento, he is the son of former goalkeeper Beniamino Abate.

His career began with the Milan youth team. He played with Napoli (Serie C1), Sampdoria (Serie A) and Piacenza, Modena (Serie B).

He was re-signed by Milan on June 16, 2008, and then he was transferred to Torino in a co-ownership deal on July 23 , 2008. In June 2009, he was re-signed by Milan again.


Kenan Salkovic says:

@SolidNintendo only silva is real top class now a days.. its a shame.. abate is good but not the top, nest is to old, antonini is rubbish

fandihamsik1 says:

e cambiato tanto rispetto agli anni napoletani

Marco Castagnoli says:

ke velocità,k dreebling a mio parere diventerà un campione se continua così

gieemce says:

how much longer will you be suspended?

Adel Abdulle says:


Emiliano says:

Questo è bravo veramente sinistra o destra non fa differenza

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