Liverpool fc scouse thugs attack ac milan fans!

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The thug fans of liverpool football club attack their ac milan counterparts after getting beat in the champions league final!

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  • Categories: ac milan


Kane Essey says:

No football fans from Italy and England are better behaved, they both have good fans and bad fans. lets unite in our love of the sport.

DF Affari says:

Still alive?

AzzyP says:

wtf was that

gavin begg says:

nonsense. I was there. there were 2/3 slotaed inncodents whereby both parties were to blame.there was 1 big Italian guy looking and causing trouble as weee a few reds. out of 35k supporters fining 10 idiots isn't hard is it! u may hate Liverpool for being eglands premier club-fact. live with it and it will save u ulcers etc…in later life as their ahievments wont go away.18 titles and 5european cups that's what we call history.winning a few titles when its sky tv league era.keep it,

tayto1932 says:

He said when man read it before you comment

charlie morris says:

That's sly I'm a liverpool fan myself but yanooYOLO

Ahmed Harshim says:


Max Britton says:

Liverpool till I die

ltaliansRDarkSkinned says:

No, I am not related to Italians LMAO!!!

UltraDonX says:

haha so true, so many glory hunters

RIGSBY11111 says:

Justice for the 39 juve fans!!?????? Shit scouse worms your silence is deafening

Mole Maguires says:


phira somrani says:

fuck manutd evryone know that liverpool firm…the best !!

topgun19766 says:

poveri milanisti

solo milan says:

I hope to have the 'opportunity to come …. but the team difficult to play against AC Milan

Gill Holtom says:

Go to millwall or leeds & say me they keep a lower profile but they DO exist!

StockportLiftperson says:

go on lads get stuck in ynwa

zzirSnipzz1 says:

Fucking scum make give the rest of us a bad name

stephen byrne says:

But City did dominate over United in the early 70s, united got relegated, but the fans still turned out, the record still stands for the most fans at a game in the old 2nd div, guess who, and it's NOT Manchester City, BTW born and breed M16.

Masstransit2 says:

'Fuck' 'Disappear' 'You're' Typical thick dipper with only a rudimentary grasp of the English language. You type in all capitals because mummy didn't hug you as a child ?

John Terry says:

he was asked by a reporter and in his autobiography

ltaliansRDarkSkinned says:

Where did he deny it? But even if he did deny it, he could easily get away with passing as Italian, like most Gypsies can.

TehhEazy says:

liverpool fans r scum like

John Terry says:

pirlo has denied being a gypsy. there is no proof to suggest he is so we should take his word for it.

gonzalo higuain says:

jelous of being owned by city?

ltaliansRDarkSkinned says:

It's not a theory but a fact.

Pirlo is a Gypsy yet he can easily pass as a typical Italian. What does that tell you?

Gianni Trovato says:

Inglesi Di merda!!!!!!!!! Lol venite in sicilia che vi tagliamo a pezzi!!! England merdaaaa

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