Beckham Vs. Genoa – 6/1/2010

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Day 18


Ronaldoperfect9 says:

@RonaldoPayam93 you can see number 32 at one moment 0:20 – 0:22, i´ve downloaded this video, and moved it frame after frame, it´s 90% Becks, and commentator says at 0:22-0:24- "dejved bekheem :), great video

Ahmed Alhareeri says:

bad passes for bad player

beckham died before 6 years

Øyvind Milanello says:

only 0.26 were'nt beckham but Abate. But Beckham played great!

JuneJJ90 says:

I don't know if you were being sarcastic.. but only 1:33 is Beckham…

T Chow says:

he's great !
accurate long pass 0:08
skillful in handling the ball 1:14
fair play, no diving 1:16
commanding attack 1:47
great shot power & anglle 1:33

Peter McCullough says:

Well, he is still officially an LA Galaxy player, their season is over now, basically he plays the second half of Seria A while MLS is on a break, he did the same last year, by the summer he will have played almost 2 years with no real breaks for both clubs

eminleo says:

may be because you are a liverpool fan?

Romit Maharaj says:

wat do u mean beckham is a average player jackass … he has played for the best clubs in the world in his prime time … manchester united … real madrid … now he is very impressive at milan … fuckface do u knw nething about soccer


the way i see it milan has to amazing sides ronaldinho and beckham both amazing perfect passes they will kill this year

Peter McCullough says:

I'm very happy for Beckham he optimizes professionalism, has there ever ben a player with 2 clubs before?

papaslik says:

no, they dont like him, they love him, He even got a standing ovation when he was subtituted.

elinger marquez says:

tremendo video…. a becks todavia le queda valee..jejeje

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